Saturday 29 October 2011

Dolly the water-baby

Now that spring has arrived and we are getting a few warm days here and there, big hairy Berners like Dolly need to find ways to stay cool. So far, we have been to the dog beach at Altona once, and to Stony Creek in Cruickshank Park several times.

At Altona beach
It only took a border collie to show Dolly the ropes at Stony Creek, and she was galloping upstream to the pond. She loves to stand in the water, submerged up to her neck, and play with any dog who jumps in too.
I've made a couple of short films of Dolly's playtime, on which I sound like a pretentious idiot, so I apologise for that! From now on I will keep quiet when I film her. Maybe she'll become a YouTube star? Here's one of the films anyway.
 <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Not all dogs can swim, a fact I learned only recently. I thought it came naturally, and it did to Dolly, but if you are a pug or a dachshund, forget about it!

Best stick ever.

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