Saturday 30 July 2011

The mystery of the missing toys...solved!

You may remember the mystery of Mr Chicken, Dolly's very first and much-loved squeaky toy. He went MIA some months ago, and I could never explain it. However, recent events lead me to believe the mystery has at last been solved. Mr Chicken, along with two most excellent bones, the original Mr Giraffe, the Collingwood football (thanks Upee!), the blue ball, and an 'educational toy' (not much fun but supposedly good for canine teeth) have been picked off one by one by....Foxy Loxy! Yes, our friendly neighbourhood fox has stolen all Dolly's toys.

The first time I became aware of Foxy Loxy was one evening when he approached the back (glass) door to steal a small bone, saw me, and fled. I shrieked, Dolly snoozed on oblivious, and Foxy Loxy disappeared back to whence he came. Several nights later, at around 4am, I was awakened by the sound of squeaky toys being squeaked in the back yard. Dolly was safely asleep inside, so who was playing with the toys?
As I got up and went downstairs it occurred to me that I hadn't seen the football or the blue ball recently.
Standing at the back door looking at a yard bereft of toys, it dawned on me. Foxy Loxy had been the phantom squeaker, and it was he, that wily creature, who had been picking the toys off, one by one, until Dolly and I were left with nothing but memories of our squeaky friends.

I saw Foxy Loxy one more time, when I was up at 5am to go the airport. He was on the roof of the shed, scanning the yard for new squeaky buddies to take back to his den. For him, or for his own pups I wonder?
I went shopping and bought Dolly some new toys, including an exact replica of Mr Giraffe. Dolly was overjoyed! Now we bring all the toys in every evening before bed. Sorry Foxy Loxy, but I think you have enough play things to be going on with for now.

                                        New toys, including Mr Giraffe II and the much-loved but
                                        very bedraggled Ms Duck (thanks Em and Andreas!)

                                     Stop mucking around taking photos mum, it's play time!

                                          My giant baby, six and a half months old.


  1. So glad you solved the mystery.....boy has Dolly grown...she is one gorgeous puppy....and i promise i'm not biased....well, maybe just a little

  2. Hi Diane
    I'm trying to get your email address from Emma, but no response yet. Maybe you can also ask her for mine, and one way or another (that doesn't expose our contact details to the world) we will communicate!

  3. try clicking on my profile may be able to get it...i hope

  4. i just tried it...if you click on my members profile, you will be able to send me a email :)

  5. I've tried and can't! Is there some trick to it?

  6. did you click on the pic of me or the one of the dog??....i tried it with another blog i havae to see if would work...and i could send a email to my daughter.... you will need to click on the pic of the dog :)

  7. Hmmm. Not working. I only get a pic of a dog if I go to your first blog (not on the profile page), but that won't allow me to click on it, and clicking on your photo doesn't take me anywhere. I've emailed Emma again and requested your contact details...we'll get there!

  8. Hi! I finally got around to checking out Dolly Dog's blog. That is one cute pup! Hope you've been well since the big wedding event. We had a great night and a very lazy day the next day. Will look forward to keeping an eye on Dolly Dog as she grows.

  9. Annie! So sorry not to have replied to your comment. As you can see, it's been a while since I checked the blog. It was great to catch up at the wedding. I hope you and all the family are well, especially Harriet of course.
