Tuesday 28 June 2011

Can I eat that?

Dogs have some habits we usually see as disgusting, but they don't care what we think, and I respect them for that. A while ago Dolly had a cold. She was lethargic and snotty, poor pup. To cheer her up, I gave her a "chicken meatball" (a manufactured doggy treat which probably doesn't contain much chicken) which she rolled around in her mouth for a while, tossed up over her head, pushed across the floor with her paws, and finally deemed safe to eat.

Minutes later she did an enormous sneeze, and a slug-like booger came out. Before I could grab a tissue to clean it up (thank goodness for floor boards) she had looked at it, cocked her head as if to say "Where did that come from? Can I eat that?" and slurped it up. Mmmmm, tasty.

So she's not sure about a scooby snack, but immediately decides snot is good eating?

And then the next day on our walk she picked up something from the side of the road which she was rolling around in her mouth before I stuck my fingers in and pulled it out...it was a delicious little nugget of poo. Ah dogs; so gross, so cute! I think I'll save the vomit story for another time.

      Getting so big, and only 5 months old.

Eat poo? Who, me?