Tuesday 26 April 2011

Bouncy castle bush (and have you seen Mr Chicken?)

Dolly under the bouncy bush. Snacking on the bouncy bush's neighbour.

There is a bush in the front yard that Dolly treats as her own personal bouncy castle. She runs full speed down the side of the house and leaps on the bush, which invariably bounces her off. It's beginning to look a bit the worse for wear. I have looked under it, and all the other bushes, but cannot find Mr Chicken. He's been missing for at least a week now, and it's beginning to look as though he may have flown the coop. Mr Giraffe, Mr Bird and Football are no substitutes as far as Dolly is concerned. Have you seen Mr Chicken?
Have you seen this chicken?

Monday 4 April 2011

Water Baby

How much is that doggy in the window? (note Mr Chicken in the background)

Dolly loves all things aquatic, including rain. I'm trying to vaccuum and mop the floors today (I really should do them every second day right now) but mushy puppy is hindering my progress. When she drinks from her water bowl or from the bucket outside, she feels it is really best to insert head and paws as well as tongue. It's all about staying cool I suppose. With everything wet outside this morning her whole tummy is damp, so when she comes inside, everywhere she lies on the floor she leaves a big wet splodge.

We've had a big week...I've started a new job, so Dolly's been going to daycare. Like many single mothers I am spending most of what I earn on childcare! But Dolly is safe and she loves it. She's so tired from walks and playtime that she falls asleep in the car on the way home. The only thing I'm not so keen on is the "perfume" they spray on her just before home time. Thursday's was (allegedly) cherry. It was the same sickly chemical smell that once caused me to throw an air-freshener out of the car as it gave me such a headache I couldn't tolerate it for a minute more. Friday's aroma was "grape" which was no better. I have asked them to desist with the perfume. If it smells awful to me, why would a dog with it's superior sense of smell want it up their sensitive nostrils? Then again, why would they want the smell of another dog's poo?